《さくらほたるの並木道》2003 金沢広坂 並木道
ランダム制御した1200個の電球、光ファイバースティック、ピンク色のゴム材、タイマー、コンピューターなど 大きさ 約200m
《The Sakura-Firefly》2003 Landscape Arts project in SAKURA Festival,Kanazawa
Dimensions about 200m
1,200 electric bulbs which controlled random, an optical fiber stick, pink rubber sheet, a timer, a computer
I put a feather and a antenna to the electric bulb which shined in irregularity slowly. These 1,200 aerial fireflies (40 of them move by power) which named a cherry tree firefly inhabited the Tatsumi water which flowed through a center of commerce of Kanazawa (about 1 month) in the time of a cherry tree.